8th World Congress of Neuroendoscopy
Dear President, Dear Secretary, Dear officers of the Slovak Neurosurgical Society, on behalf of the Croatian Neurosurgical Society I kindly ask whether you could please place the information regarding our major neurosurgical event in Croatia this year, the 9th Congress of the Croatian Neurosurgical Society and Joint Meeting with the Czech Neurosurgical Society and Swiss Society […]
v spolupráci s Fakultnou nemocnicou Nitra, Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa Nitra, a Slovenskou neurochirurgickou spoločnosťou SLS NEUROCHIRURGICKÝ KONGRES pri príležitosti 15. výročia založenia neurochirurgie v Nitre 15. – 16. 11. 2018 (štvrtok – piatok) Hotel MIKADO, Nitra Odborní garanti podujatia: MUDr. Kamil KOLEJÁK PhD., MSc. Prednosta Neurochirurgickej kliniky FN Nitra MUDr. Ondrej ŠEDIVÝ Primár Neurochirurgickej kliniky FN Nitra
Dear Friends and Colleagues, We would like to inform that there is less than a month left for the Abstract Submission Deadline for “Hydrocephalus 2017 ‑The 9th Meeting of the International Society of Hydrocephalus and CSF Disorders” which will be held on 23–25 September 2017 at Kobe, Japan. Hydrocephalus 2017 will cover a full range of CSF disorders affecting both children and […]
SNCHS SLS so sídlom:
Slovenská lekárska spoločnosť
Cukrová 3, 813 22 Bratislava
Operátori: +421 2 5292 2017, 5292 2019
Sekretariát SLS: +421 2 5292 2020
Riaditeľka SLS: PhDr. Želmíra Mácová, MPH
fax: +421 2 5263 5611
e‑mail: secretarysma@ba.telecom.sk
→ neurosurgery.org br>
→ eans.org br>
→ wfns.org br>
→ zoznam.sk/zdravotnictvo/nemocnice br>
→ www.seznam.cz/zdravotnictvi/nemocnice br>
→ doktor.sk br>
→ mediclub.sk br>